
Showing posts from July, 2024

Recommended Career Fields for Mrigshira Nakshatra

Mrigshira Nakshatra is placed fifth in the Nakshatra cycle. In simple terms, this Nakshatra symbolizes nourishment. This Nakshatra symbolizes a deer and can be easily identified in the sky. This Nakshatra is ruled by Mars, and thus, it possesses qualities of vigour, enthusiasm and hard work. However Moon is its deity. This Nakshatra is closely linked with agriculture, that is why it is also called the Farmers Nakshatra. According to astrology, those born under Mrigshira Nakshatra are significantly influenced by the planet Mars. This Nakshatra spans partly in Taurus and partly in Gemini. As a result, individuals can also be influenced with the traits of these two signs as well, depending on which phase of Mrigshira nakshatra they were born in. And by knowing the specific phase of Mrigshira nakshatra the individual is born in, it helps to understand the dominant influence of Taurus or Gemini and their ruling planets.  Mrigshira nakshatra  extends from 23:20 degrees in Taurus to 06:40 deg

Kritika Nakshatra: A Career that Shines Like the Sun

Kritika Nakshatra is the third in the Nakshatra cycle. It is a very special Nakshatra as it is associated with Surya (the Sun) and influenced by both Aries and Taurus.  Kritika Nakshatra is considered a mixed-impact Nakshatra. Its ruling deity is Surya, and its lord is Agni Dev or Subrahmanyam. To understand your career or business through Kritika Nakshatra, it is essential to look at the position of Kritika Nakshatra in your horoscope and the placement of its lord. If you are born under Kritika Nakshatra, your career options will be influenced by various factors. Let’s understand how to analyze your career or business prospects through Kritika Nakshatra. For individuals born under  Kritika Nakshatra , career selection is often exceptional. They are enthusiastic and full of zeal towards their work. In terms of “career selection,” it is crucial to consider how Kritika Nakshatra is positioned in the horoscope, which planets influence its lord, and understand your Nakshatra before decidin

Bharani Nakshatra: Abundant Career and Business Options

Bharani Nakshatra holds the second position in the Nakshatra  arrangement. Its ruling planet is Venus, and the deity is Yama. Bharani Nakshatra is associated with the Aries sign . When we consider its ruler, Venus, it naturally includes qualities of creation, attraction, and luxury. However, when it comes to Yama, there are attributes of both creation and destruction, along with the impact of strict discipline. Additionally, the traits of the Aries sign also influence it.   A person born under Bharani Nakshatra gets numerous opportunities through which they can explore various career or business options. The influence of each Nakshatra greatly helps an individual in choosing their career. According to "Nakshatra Astrology," the birth Nakshatra significantly impacts analyzing a person's career field and tendencies.    The ruling planet, the deity of Nakshatra, and the zodiac sign associated with the Nakshatra in which a person is born deeply affect them. From th

Can We Know Life Span From Date of Birth

  A person’s birth time is pre-decided based on the past life(s), and so is the departure date from this earth. As humans, we always aspire to live a long life.  Ayushmaan Bhava, or live long, is probably the most common and desired blessing we seek through our elders. But another fact is that we all descend to the recurring life with fixed Ayushya (Age) or life span irrespective of longings or blessings for a long life! Then one wonders why some questions usually stir our minds: How many years/how long will I live? What is my expected lifespan? How can I know my lifespan? What can I do to live long? When will I die? All these questions lead us to a common anxiety: What is a person’s life span/longevity? Can we increase our life span? What do we do to live the expected life span to its fullest? A person’s birth chart is a blueprint of their whole life and the events they will face during it. So, it applies to a person’s longevity, too. One can know life span from the birth chart using

श्रावण माह करता है मांगलिक दोषों का नाश मिलता है दांपत्य जीवन का सुख

  श्रावण   माह   के   समय   पर   विवाह   जैसे   सुख   की   प्राप्ति   के   लिए   किए   जाने   वाले   अनुष्ठान   बेहद   ही   उपयोगी   माने   गए   हैं।   सावन   माह   का   समय   शास्त्रों   के   अनुसार   बेहद   विशेष   समय   माना   गया   है   क्योंकि   इस   माह   के   दौरान   भगवान   शिव   का   पूजन   तो   मुख्य   होता   ही   है ,  साथ   ही   इस   समय   पर   विवाह   इत्यादि   मांगलिक   सुखों   की   प्राप्ति   के   लिए   उत्तम   होता   है ,  क्योंकि   इसी   माह   के   दौरान   जहां   श्रावण   सोमवार   के   व्रत   किए   जाते   हैं ,  वहीं   इस   समय   पर   मंगला   गौरी   पूजन ,  तीज ,  हरियाली   तीज   एवं   शिवरात्रि   का   समय   होता   है .  इन   सभी   पर्वों   का   आगमन   इस   सावन   माह   में   होता   है   और   इन   सभी   व्रत   एवं   त्यौहारों   का   महत्व   विवाह   सुख   एवं   दांपत्य   जीवन   के   सुख   को   प्रदान   करने   के   लिए   भी   बेहद   विशेष   होते   हैं .  सावन   सोमवार   व्रत   देते   हैं   मांगलिक   सुख   ॐ   ह्रौं   महाशिवाय   वरदाय   ह्रीं   ऐं   काम्य   सिद्धि   रुद्र