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Recommended Career Fields for Mrigshira Nakshatra

Mrigshira Nakshatra is placed fifth in the Nakshatra cycle. In simple terms, this Nakshatra symbolizes nourishment. This Nakshatra symbolizes a deer and can be easily identified in the sky. This Nakshatra is ruled by Mars, and thus, it possesses qualities of vigour, enthusiasm and hard work. However Moon is its deity. This Nakshatra is closely linked with agriculture, that is why it is also called the Farmers Nakshatra. According to astrology, those born under Mrigshira Nakshatra are significantly influenced by the planet Mars. This Nakshatra spans partly in Taurus and partly in Gemini. As a result, individuals can also be influenced with the traits of these two signs as well, depending on which phase of Mrigshira nakshatra they were born in. And by knowing the specific phase of Mrigshira nakshatra the individual is born in, it helps to understand the dominant influence of Taurus or Gemini and their ruling planets.  Mrigshira nakshatra  extends from 23:20 degrees in Taurus to 06:40 deg